Poster: Frogz that Glowz

Poster presented at JMIH on Friday 13th, 2018

I had a ton of fun presenting a poster detailing my soon-to-be published study exploring the use of calcein fluorescence marking in amphibians at this year’s Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists in Rochester, New York. This method solves a lot of problem areas we run into in trying to mark and re-identify amphibians across time and is one of the only methods for reliably marking larval anurans across developmental stages for identification as adults.

Keep an eye out for the paper in the next couple of week in Herpetological Conservation and Biology.  Check out my blog post and download the paper!

Here is a link to a PDF version of the poster if you’d like a closer look.

If you are interested in this method, please feel free to contact me:

Here is the product page for SE-MARK brand calcein.

Much thanks to everyone who came to talk with me about the poster!

UPDATE: I was thrilled to win the Victor Hutchinson Poster Award from SSAR! This is quite an honor for my first real conference presentation and goes to show that there are at least a few benefits of taking a long time off and gaining some ancillary skills in graphic design before heading back to graduate school. I also have to make a huge shout out to Better Posters blog where I found tons of tips, tricks, good advice in turning academic content into a visual story.

The key to any great presentation is pure professionalism at all times… unless you’re at a herp meeting.